Talent Show- Girls section

The student council conducted AHISK Talent Show at the gym area of the girls’ section to allow participants display their skills of singing, acting, gymnastics, playing instruments, reciting poems, magic shows and much more.

Teachers, Staff members, and students of AHISK- Girls Section watched all the performances with great zeal and enthusiasm. The host-Adina Jamal- did an amazing work with the help of the three judges from the student council: Hagar Fadda, Ethar Mustafa, and Deema Katerji during the whole talent show. All the participants received certificates and the judges chose the first three winners & distributed gifts for them.

We believe that every child is born with talent and we need to empower their skills and potentials.

Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God. _Leo Buscaglia