Portfolio Day 2018

AHISY organized Portfolio Days for kindergartens from 16 to 18 of April 2018.

At the end of the year, the KG Teachers present the complete year’s student work to the mothers.

As children participate in the portfolio process, it allows them to understand their own strengths and needs as well as reflect on their weaknesses. This, helps them to be responsible for their own learning. Children also enjoy comparing examples of their past work with what they are doing in the present.

Mothers were invited to the Portfolio Day. They looked at their child’s portfolios which gave them the chance to know about the performance standards and got ideas about what students are learning in school.

The teachers included in students’ portfolios: events photographs, arts, crafts and hands-on activities that have been conducted in and out of the classroom.

It was an enjoyable event that encouraged the children to perform better and makes them proud of their achievements.