The grade 11 and 12 IB students from Al Hussan International School Girls Section ended the year in a honourable manner by visiting disabled children at the Skills Development Center in Rakah, Al Khobar under the supervision of Mrs. Asma Al Khateeb as part of the CAS program. The center has about 38 mentally impaired children ages 3 to 14. Some of them have Down Syndrome, while others suffer from Autism and ADHD. Al Hussan students raised funds throughout the year by selling baked goods that they made themselves in the canteen. The money was used to purchase toys and educational activities for the children of the center. They spent the entire day playing with the children and organizing activities for them. The entire day was planned and organized by the students of Al Hussan themselves. The happiness and joy that was expressed on the faces of the children was truly meaningful. Neither the children nor the students wanted the day to end.