Page 4 - Newsletter 2016 Q1S1

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Inter-Schools Football Tournament
AHISK organized Football Tournament in which
AHISK, Orbit and New World International Schools
participated. The students under the captaincy of
Ahmad Amr played enthusiastically with sportsman
spirit and enjoyed the event. The home team AHISK
won all the matches and the final to win the cup.
Congratulations to the School!
We are very proud of our students.
Message from Mr. Kaleem Rajput (Head of the Boys Section)
Dear Readers,
As the very proud member of AlHussan family of this academically selective school with a well-respected
history of providing exceptional educational outcomes and opportunities since 1998, I warmly welcome
you to our First Newsletter (2016-2017).
At the beginning of the academic year parents attended a briefing session where various Heads of
Departments and faculty members shared on the different emphases and practices on curriculum and
assessments. Soon we will be conducting orientation sessions parents on our students’ good
performances at the IBDP and IGCSE examinations, university entrance, achievements in competitions and
their leadership developments.
I would like to congratulate our students on their exceptional performance in the IGCSE, A Levels and IBDP
Examinations. In addition we have a good number of students achieving honor roll in the last year’s result,
which shows their level of dedication to themselves and is an evidence that they take their academics seriously.
At AHISK, we believe that we are partners in learning with our students and seek to deepen their knowledge, provide enriching and
innovative learning experiences, while also gently urging our boys out of their comfort zone to attempt new challenges. We value
relationships and connections with the community. We encourage our students to develop respectful relationships with their peers,
teachers and the broader community.
Our faculty has been expanding and we have inducted a good number of male teachers in our system in order to comply with the
Ministry of Education’s policy. All the teachers have come from different academically sound environments and are getting
adjusted into our system. We are happy to have them with us and thank them for choosing us as their career option.
We started afterschool clubs last year and continued with some innovation this year. In addition to the conventional, we were able
to offer Swimming and Karate Clubs.
For the students:
I ask you to commit yourself to academic and character building as that’s the primary reason for your presence in
school. Utilize the time to the maximum, enjoy your time at school and make use of your abilities and polish your talent by extend-
ing their role outside the classroom and participating in school activities, morning assemblies, CAS, community service and taking up
leadership roles whenever and wherever possible.
To the out going class:
I am extremely proud of you for making it to be the senior class of AHISK. I believe in each and every one of
you. You are soon going to leave us and the comfort of your home and embark on a new journey. You will soon transform into
grownup men and represent your family, your country and your school in any university you will join for future studies. Make your
last year a memorable one, which you will always cherish in the future. You are the future. Once you get the opportunity change this
world into a peaceful place by capitalizing on your skills and education that you have been gaining and prove yourself to the world
as you have done to us. We will surely miss you. You are the big brothers in the school and I am proud of the fact that you are doing
your role positively.
At the end, I would like to thank Karam Shamma, Ahmad Saadi, Yousef Hany and Mr. Hamza Jamil to helping us with our first edition
of the Newspaper.
I have been in Al-Hussan for 4 years. In
those years I have witnessed a lot of
changes and development. Not
necessarily good, but this is the life
process you have to make mistakes in order to
develop and learn. This is what specialized
and made Alhussan a one of its kind. Of course
by the special efforts of Mr. Kaleem, Head of
Boys Section, who had a major role in
improving the school. Last but not the least,
AHISK is my second family and I love it and will
miss it after I leave the school.
مکیلاع و ملاسا
رادماک ترشع دمحا مان اریم
لنشینرٹنا ناسح لا ںیم روا
پا ںیم جا ۔ںوھ رئنیس کا ںیم لوکسا
ےنرک تیچ تاب رپ ےبرجت ےنپا ھتاس ےک
ںیم ۔ںوہ اہر اج ےئل ےک
ںیم ناسح ےم
ناسح ےن ںیم وج لاس راچ ہی روا اھت اوہ لقتنم
تاب سا ےھجم ےم سا ،ںیہ ےرازگ ھتاس ےک
اک نا میلعت رایم اھچا ےک ےہ اوہ ساسحا اک
وک نیبلاط ہکلب ،ےہ ںیہن دصقم یداینب
انھکر لایخ اک سا روا انانب ندمتم ےم ےرشاعم
تہب ںیم ےننب ہصح اک لوکسا سا ےھجم ۔ےہ
دای ہشیمہ تقو اوہ ارازگ انپا ںیم روا ےہ یشوخ
۔اگ ںوھکر
Messages from the Class of 2017
Ahmad Saadi
Ahmad Kamdar
Zaid Rihawi
ةسمخ ُ
ذنم ةيملاعلا ناصحلا ةسردمب سردأ
يتايح يف ماوعلأا عتمأ نم تناك ً
اماع ةرشع
تيظح امك ةداعسلاو ئفدلاب اهللاخ نم ترعش
) ةيفاقث ، ةيوبرت ، ةيمداكأ ( ةعونتم تاربخب
يف ءافكلأا نيملعملا نم ةزيمتم هبخن يل سرد امك
ةيساردلا تاررقملا ةفاك
عم تاقادصلا نم ديدعلا تنوك ماوعلأا كلت للاخ يفو
ةصرفلا يل حاتأ امم تايسنجلا فلتخم نم ءلامز
.مهتاداعو مهتافاقث ىلع فرعتلل
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